House & garden


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House & garden
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On November 27th 2004 we moved into our house. Since then we have been constantly renovation here and there. We started out with Alicia’s and our bedroom. It turned out to be quite the project. We have pretty much taken the rooms back to scratch. Walls have been striped down, and plastered then wallpapered and painted. The ceiling was taken down new back boards were put up and a new gyprock ceiling, on top of that micro felt and paint. The floors have been levelled and a new white oiled ash wood floor put in. Electricity have been moved and upgraded. All apart from pulling the wires for the electricity we've done it all ourselves (with some help from Betina’s parents). Little by little our skills as handy people have been improved and we feel more and more confident doing projects. We long for the day that we are done, but we probably never will be as you can always do something.


Right now we are working on the next two rooms. The deadline is April 27th when Ryan's parents are coming over for 14 days. Something we are really looking forward to.


Ryan is the one with the green thumb so he takes care of most of the garden work. We have a beautiful garden which the lady who lived here had drawn by a garden architect. Through spring of summer it is full of wonderful flowers. It is filled with lots of colours. You can see pictures in the photo gallery.

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Dette Websted blev sidst opdateret 02. marts 2006